administrative and legal foundations, principles, features, concept, system of economic security of Ukraine.Abstract
The article is devoted to the definition of the concept and installation of a set of characteristic features of administrative law from the foundations of ensuring the economic security of Ukraine. An attempt to justify is noted and made that the economic security of Ukraine, as a complex, diverse and systemic category, is typical for the existence of administrative and legal foundations for regulating relations in this area, as well as the main risks that may occur as a result of the lack of adequate such support. It is noted that effective administrative and legal support of the economic security system of Ukraine is of great importance for the legal protection of the national economy from a wide range of external and internal threats. Particular attention is devoted to the definition of the «foundation», recognizing its unconditional importance for ongoing research. In particular, the key approaches to understanding its essence in various branches of science are analyzed. The indicated period is compared with others, including concepts that are close in semantic load. There is a thesis about their indisputable importance and the need for existence and systematic improvement in terms of promoting the normal functioning of the economic security system of Ukraine, as well as finding ways to increase the level of effectiveness of the latter. To ensure the completeness, as well as the comprehensiveness of scientific research, attention is drawn to the concept of administrative and legal framework. Its components are considered and, taking into account the results obtained, an author’s understanding of the concept of “administrative-legal” principles for ensuring the economic security system of Ukraine is proposed. Attention is focused on the features of the administrative and legal framework for ensuring the system of economic security of Ukraine. It is indicated that the totality of such features has been established that is typical exclusively for relations arising and existing during the implementation of measures to ensure the proper functioning of the economic component of state security.
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