decentralization, local self-government, municipality, public administration, European Charter of Local Self-Government, territorial community.Abstract
The article examines the foreign experience of development of territorial communities, namely municipalities, communes, as well as processes of local self-government in the processes of decentralization. The historical component of the origin of local self-government is exemplified in the example of Poland and Prussia, with its first steps towards decentralization. Much of the research has been devoted to considering changes in countries following the adoption of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, to accelerating the processes of decentralization, which led to both planned changes in the form of openness in European regions and unplanned ones – in the form of “tensions” between local and central authorities. .For further consideration of the overseas experience of territorial community development, countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, France and Poland have been covered. The example of the UK, as one of the most successful examples of local government development, considered setting new policies and their consequences as positive – in the form of innovations in communication between other EU unions, providing solutions to environmental and other problems that could not be solved previously. ; and negative – violations of land relations. The example of Sweden investigates that the self-government charter has found its place in the form of municipalities. The article did not consider the possibility of applying the experience of other countries to our country and the question of how it is possible to create and implement a local government tool based on the experience of others, since this problem is too individual and dependent on many factors. The characteristic feature of self-government in Poland was the creation of local government, the base of which became a unit from the state unit – the commune. The fundamental principles of the administrative and territorial reform of the Republic of Poland can be defined as: decentralization of state power, transition of state administration under municipal control, creation of a new law on local elections to local councils, restoration of municipal legal entities and restoration of property rights, restrictions on state interference in local affairs. Local self-government in Germany has two levels (districts and communities). The description of self-government structures is not an easy task, as the communal system is within the competence of 16 federal lands, and the Constitution (federal level) is limited in that it guarantees the right to local self-government. Decentralization in France has been found to have three main levels of territorial units: commune, department and region.
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