ballistic examination of firearms and traces of their use, Forensic Science, firearms, diagnostics, firearms identification, identification, shot marks, Glock pistol.Abstract
The article presents the design features and characteristics of individual models of the Glock pistol (Glock-17, Glock-19, Glock-26, Glock-43Х and their modifications), analyzes the results of experiments obtained when conducting shots from this weapon model and the results of the study of traces on bullets and casings. Highlighted the most important details that form traces on the casings and bullets of cartridges fired in this pistol and allowing identification: a) striker firing pin; b) ejector hook; c) the protrusion of the reflector; d) the edge of the receiver cover; e) cartridge stop; f) rifling of the bore. It was found that among the traces that form on the casings fired from pistols «Glock 17», «Glock 19», «Glock 26», «Glock 43Х», the most informative are the traces of the striker striker, the edges of the hole in the bolt cup for the striker, reflector, ejector hook. It has been established that, on average, out of ten spent cartridge cases of 9x19 mm cartridges, an effective check using an electronic cartridge case is possible for two or three cartridges. Also, as a result of the experiments carried out, it was found that other traces on the liners differ with a certain variability, in particular, the angle between the protrusion of the reflector and the hook of the ejector varies from 139.370 to 149.520, therefore the range of angular distance between the centers of the traces of the reflector and the hook of the ejector varies within 100 for one a copy of the weapon. It was proposed that manufacturers, during production or when registering a weapon, apply a mark on the cartridge stop (by the diameter of the capsule) in a circle, which would contain information about the number and year of release of the weapon. The conclusion is substantiated that when firing shots from pistols «Glock-17», «Glock-19», «Glock-26», «Glock-43Х», «Glock-48», a set of signs is formed that allows an expert study solve the expert tasks set by the parties to the criminal proceedings or by the court – following the marks on the bullets and casings.
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