medical reform, Carpathian region, united territorial communities, family doctor, single medical space of the Carpathian region, medical innovations, health care.Abstract
The article considers the tendencies of reforming medicine in the Carpathian region of Ukraine. The main problems that arise in the process of reforming the medical sector and their features in the Carpathian region are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of reforms in the health care system in Ukraine and the Carpathian region, in particular. The relevance of the introduction of innovative methods and innovative policy of medical development in the Carpathian region, taking into account the specifics of the region. It is proposed to create a single medical space of the united territorial communities of the Carpathian region, which will involve intensive care hospitals, palliative care hospitals, hospices and outpatient clinics of general practice of family medicine. Family physicians are responsible for ensuring the availability of medical services, coordinating with other physicians, informing people about their health, and taking preventive measures. Given the foreign experience of the health care system and the role of the family doctor, it is the selected family doctors in the Carpathians who should become family doctors, as is the case throughout the civilized world. Domestic practice proves that in recent years medical care has become increasingly inaccessible economically and physically for most Ukrainians; the quality of medical care remains low. And this poses a real threat to the nation’s gene pool and national security. It is noted that the problems of resource provision, in particular, financial, in the field of health care are always relevant for the state, for the whole society and every citizen. The necessity of improving the financial provision of health care in Ukraine in the conditions of economic transformations and the expediency of further development of the health insurance system are substantiated. The directions of increasing the efficiency of the domestic health care system in Ukraine are indicated. Based on the analysis, it was found that the subjects of the health care financing system have contradictory positions both in terms of maintaining guarantees of free medical care and in relation to the possibility of legalization of paid medical services in order to reduce informal payment for medical care. We believe that in the process of medical reform in the Carpathian region, public policy should be aimed at structural restructuring of the real sector of medicine and the formation of an innovative model of growth in the region. Therefore, the goal of economic power in the Carpathian region should be to promote any discovery and implementation of medical innovations, start innovative medical entrepreneurship based on a new economic mechanism of health care reform, which will provide an integrative impact on the integration of medical science, education, business and region.
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