



weapons of mass destruction, intangible assets, sensory technologies, export control, elusive technology transfer.


In many fields of science, basic research and military research intersect. At the same time, the lack of clear criteria developed and adopted for practical implementation and developed means to control the elusive transfer of technologies multiplied by the existing low efficiency of control over the transfer of intangible technologies currently create visible problems in foreign economic activity. Note also the unregulated control procedures for education in the field of science related to the creation of weapons of mass destruction. There are also delicate questions – should foreign students be banned from studying, and is there a need to limit the publication of textbooks in sensitive specialties? Addressing the challenges of elusive technology transfer should encourage modern nations to work together and work together to prevent the illicit transfer of sensitive information. To date, one of the best ways to solve some of these problems is to raise awareness among the target groups, namely scientists engaged in research, especially in the field of innovation. Unfortunately, the above-mentioned scientific community has a very low level of awareness about the specifics of sensitive technologies and the limitations that apply to the process of their transfer. The article pays considerable attention to the analysis of the general state of affairs in relation to the issue under consideration in the Republic of Armenia. It is noted that the export of dual-use goods and the transfer of controlled intangible assets in the Republic of Armenia is performed on the basis of one-time individual permits of a general nature, issued by authorized government agencies. It is emphasized that the phrase “intangible assets” means information of any kind that is the result of intellectual activity. The article summarizes certain developments, with the exception of the abovementioned negative phenomena, in the processes of transfer of sensory technologies in the Republic of Armenia. In particular, there is a positive experience of the Republic of Armenia in the programs of the International Scientific and Technical Center for the development of criteria for controlling trade in strategic goods in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. It is argued that, along with the development of control criteria, one of the areas is the education of the scientific community in the field of knowledge to combat chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks and threats associated with subtle technology transfer. The publication concludes that in the near future it is important to focus on the development of educational lecture cycles on the rules of conduct when working with elusive transfer of dual-use technologies for leading scientists of research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and faculty, and faculty, and masters of leading higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia.


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How to Cite

Восканян, П. С., & Титанян, Е. Л. (2020). ON THE FEATURES OF CROSS-BORDER EARTHLY TRANSMISSION OF SENSITIVE TECHNOLOGIES. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (6(12), 167-175. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-9660-2020-6(12)-167-175