forensic examination, chemical formulas, chemical identifier, сhirality, optical activity, enantiomers, diastereomers, InChI.Abstract
The development of information technology in the field of chemical informatics offers a variety of products that can enhance the capabilities of forensic examination in intellectual property related to chemical compounds. One such useful tool is the International Text Chemical Identifier InChI. An practice example shows the advantages of using the International Text Chemical Identifier InChI to compare the configuration of the chiral centers of optically active compounds. The effectiveness of such approach is shown even in the case when the features of the drawing of such formulas complicate such a comparison. The article describes in detail the algorithm of such a comparison using the International Text Chemical Identifier InChI. Also, there are links to free information resources that can be used to solve various problems encountered during forensic examinations or expert research in the field of intellectual property. The advantages of InChI are shown, in particular, the obviousness of the results of the comparison of two chemical formulas in which chirality is reflected in different chemical bonds. In contrast to the rather complicated procedure of applying the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rule, after generating the corresponding InChI, the task of comparing the configuration of chiral centers of optically active compounds is transformed to compare strings of characters, which is easy to perform using the search function of any text editor, such as Word or even by a visual comparison. The material presented in the article will allow forensic experts and other specialists to solve problems of comparing the configuration of chiral centers of optically active compounds without studying the complex aspects of stereochemistry. This method is a useful tool with great prospects for professionals in various fields of knowledge and, in particular, for forensic experts in the field of intellectual property.
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