market, armament, international treaty, export control.Abstract
The article examines the international and legal aspects of the shaping and implementation of state policy in the field of military-technical cooperation, particularly in the context of arms and military equipment exports. The urgency of the study of this issue is due to the increasing scale of weapons’ trade and the number of participants in economic relations in the world arms market. Recently, there has been an increase in demand for weapons and ammunition due to rising tensions in international relations and the concentration of a significant number of states in their efforts to gain a much greater role in the world order. Increased competition in the arms market, the willingness of individual states to strengthen military power under any circumstances and the inconsistency of export control systems that exist in different states, have led to an intensification of the activities of unscrupulous arms exporters. As a result, the number of arms sales operations that provide the basis for armed conflict has increased. In this regard, the international community has focused on strengthening controls on the movement of weapons. As for today, the most effective regulatory system for controlling the transfer of weapons has been established within the European Union. Its effectiveness is determined by the binding nature of the treaties for the EU member states. International treaties, in particular the International Arms Trade Treaty, contain recommendations for countries around the world on the rules of conduct in the field of arms trade and do not specify strict measures to control arms exports. In this regard, the countries of the world use their own approaches to establishing rules for the export of weapons, which creates the conditions for the existence of different standards of export control. In these circumstances, there is a significant threat to increase the scale of the activities of unscrupulous arms exporters. Given the imperfection of the international legal regulation of arms exports, the urgency of the efforts of arms exporting states to harmonize their national legislation with international treaties, which define the rules of commercial entities in the arms market. Accordingly, a transparent and clear state policy in the field of arms trade should be considered one of the most important factors in the successful participation of the state in international relations.
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