state regulation, foreign trade relations, international trade, European Community, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Poland, France.Abstract
The article examines the current state of development of mechanisms of state regulation of foreign trade relations in the member states of the European Union. The main changes in the orientation to the international market are identified. The key problems of foreign trade relations between the countries are substantiated. Priority directions of optimization of mechanisms of state regulation of foreign trade relations, including in the processes of European integration are offered. The newest tendencies, and also characteristic features of development of the international trade in the goods and services in modern conditions are defined. The importance of foreign trade in the foreign economic activity of the country in the current conditions of intensification of integration processes in the international space is revealed. Specific features of the participation of individual member states of the European Union in foreign trade in goods and services are identified. A set of management measures used by developed European countries in order to subdue and maintain high positions in trade processes in the international market is studied. The successful foreign experience of foreign trade relations management is generalized. The essence and peculiarities of the nature of the influence of the main globalization processes in the world on the national policy of the country, as well as on the realization of the economic interests of the state in the trade and economic sphere are determined. The need to create a healthy competitive environment in order for the state to stimulate domestic producers of goods and services by improving the structure of exports, expanding markets and achieving economic growth. Perspective directions of using the successful experience of the developed member states of the European Union in Ukraine for improvement of the national system of state regulation of foreign trade relations are offered.
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