administrative service, state (managerial) service, unified office of permissions, provision of the administrative services, public service.Abstract
The article considers, in the chronological order, the legal acts which had forerun the legal definition of the term “the administrative service”. The transformation of understanding of the nature and the content of the system of the public administration has been made: when the public administration had been considered as the state activity to manage the society before, at the present stage, the function of the state is connected to the service function, so the term ”service” moves to the forefront. Since the end of the last century the term “the administrative service” has entered scientific usage and the state management practice. Quite logically, this process has found its reflection in the legal base. As time went on, the understanding of the content and recognition of the administrative service had been changing, which was reflected in the legislation, so the urgent task according to the research of the details of the term “the administrative service” in the legal area of Ukraine moves to the forefront. There were defined 3 periods of standardization of the administrative service: 1) 1998-2005 − the period of the theoretical experience and setting up the paradigm of the system of administrative services; 2) 2006-2012 − the period of the reformation of the administrative activity of the state bodies; 3) since 2012 till now – the establishment of the Law of Ukraine “On administrative services”. There had been concluded the point, that the changes which had been made to the legal acts are mostly connected to the particular aspects of the regulation of the processes of provision of the administrative services and the forms of this provision, but the issues of the responsibilities of the subject of the provision of the administrative services and the control of the quality of the mentioned provision, the unreasonable division of the responsibilities of the state executive bodies and the local governing bodies had remained out of the attention of the legislators despite the significant groundwork of scientists.
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