


realization of the right, the right to medical care with the use of transplantation, forms of realization of the right, the human right to medical care with the use of transplantation.


The article reveals the essence and significance of such a legal category as the realization of the human right to medical care through transplantation. The article examines and describes the forms of realization of the human right to medical care with the use of transplantation of human anatomical materials. In the process of evolution of Ukraine as a democratic and legal state, European integration of Ukraine, scientific and technological progress, evolution of human rights, development of medicine, development of transplantation in Ukraine, it is important to study the implementation of the constitutional human right to medical care through transplantation. Human rights are a key element of the political and legal system. Problems of realization and protection of human rights and freedoms have acquired global, global significance. The state creates conditions for effective and accessible medical care for all citizens, which involves receiving medical services. Human rights and freedoms are the main element, the core of its legal status, which determine the extent of possible behavior, reflect certain limits and the ability to use the goods to meet their interests and needs. The Constitution of Ukraine requires free medical care in state and municipal health care facilities and prohibits the reduction of the existing system of such facilities. Ensuring human rights and freedoms in the field of transplantation of anatomical materials is quite important and important, where everyone has the right to recognition and protection of their rights under the law by other persons or organizations, so forms of human rights to medical care through transplantation are essential. The normative base of the research is presented by the national and foreign legislation concerning the issue of forms of realization of the human right to medical care with the use of transplantation of human anatomical materials. The material presented in the article will allow readers to explore in more depth the issues covered in this topic.


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How to Cite

Шкляр, І. В. (2021). FORMS OF REALIZATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHT TO MEDICAL CARE WITH THE APPLICATION OF TRANSPLANTATION. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (5(17), 125-131.