
  • Serhiy Oleksiyovych Lysenko



polygraph, administrative-legal regulation, administrative-legal relations, psychophysiological surveys, checks, principles of checks, effectiveness of checks


The article is devoted to the features of the pre-test interview preceding the polygraph examination and the need to improve the administrative and legal regulation of this process. The researcher’s focus is on conducting a pre-test interview using Kurt Lewin’s field theory. This approach is aimed at using the systematization of factors that cause attractive and repulsive reactions in the interviewee. The importance of the correct conduct of the pre-test interview is emphasized, which allows you to realize a number of its functions: convincing the interviewee that the polygraph test is infallible; mobilization of the interviewee’s memory; actualization of the interviewee’s own meanings related to the test or control topics; forming in the interviewee a high significance of the testing situation; entering the interviewee into the optimal psychological corridor. The application of Kurt Lewin’s field theory allows you to compare events and phenomena that demonstrate attractive or repulsive reactions of the interviewee, increasing the reliability of the test results. At the same time, the role of the pre-test interview is growing, in the process of which the interviewee’s attitude to the situation is determined and (if necessary) future control and verification questions are adjusted. After all, although some phenomena and events have an unambiguously attractive or unambiguously repulsive reaction for all interviewees, others can give an individual reaction. Particular attention is paid to the importance of taking into account the intellectual and educational level of the interviewee. Questions should be formulated in such a way as to present information in an accessible form. At the same time, they should detail the information as much as possible, which will allow identifying cases of “half-truths” and partially reliable answers. All the listed points must be fixed in the relevant administrative and legal regulations. This will allow not only to standardize the procedure of the pre-test interview, but also to make it available for further optimization.


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How to Cite

Лисенко, С. О. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE PREPARATION OF A SURVEY USING A POLYGRAPH. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (2(26), 32-36. 32-36