ethno-national processes, national minorities, protection of the rights of national minorities, communitiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the research and analysis of ethno-national processes during the period of national liberation political movements of 1917–1921 and determines the possible modern directions of further scientific research. Having considered the period of national liberation political movements of 1917–1921, the article examines the formation of modern ethno-national policy of Ukraine, which should in a certain way be based on the historical experience of the previous stages of the development of national minorities and provides recommendations for the interaction of the state with the national minorities of Ukraine today. Studies of ethno-national processes during the period of national liberation political movements of 1917–1921 are given for the possibility of taking into account the issues of protecting the rights of national minorities in Ukraine at that time. The national policy pursued by a number of different state entities at that time is analyzed. In particular, the periods of the Ukrainian Central Council, the Ukrainian State, the Directorate of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Soviet government, the Volunteer Army, and in Galicia of Austria-Hungary, the Ukrainian People's Republic, and Poland are considered, and the common and distinctive principles of its implementation are singled out, as well as the participation of ethnic communities in political processes. The article is based on and analyzes the normative legal framework during the period of national liberation political movements of 1917–1921 regarding the protection of the rights of national minorities. Special attention is paid to the seventh chapter of the Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic of Ukraine of 1918 p., as one of the sources that meets the constitutional standards currently recognized by the international legal community. Recommendations are offered for the adaptation of historical experience in the Ukrainian context. The general conclusion of the article points to the importance of effective interaction between the state and national minorities. The considered historical experience demonstrates that by providing an objective assessment of the historical experience of the period of national liberation political movements of 1917–1921, it is possible to determine the modern vector of the future development of Ukraine.
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