
  • Andriy Mykhailovych Chabanov



публічне управління, механізми публічного управління, транспортна безпека, національна безпека, загрози, транспорт, транспортна інфраструктура, транспортний комплекс


The article presents the concept of transport safety based on the analysis of current legislation and the analysis of scientific research. It was established that the concept of "transport safety" is derived from the concept of "security". An analysis of the interpretation of the concept of "security" in scientific literature and legislation was carried out. It was determined that the initial period of consideration and study of the security problem provided the essential concept of danger. A scientific analysis of the concept of "security" was carried out and two directions of grouping definition were distinguished: security definitions (security is perceived as a state of protection against various types of threats); security and warning definitions (establish security as a set of measures or conditions aimed at countering threats). It has been established that domestic legislation covers the issues of the transport industry, but the terminological definition of "transport safety" is not provided, instead, it is outlined by the principles of state policy through the obligations of the entities that ensure the functioning of the transport system. It is proposed to characterize the concept of "transport security" in its general form as a system: prevention, countermeasures and termination of crimes in the transport sector; warning on transport of emergency events of a natural/man-made nature; prevention or minimization of material and moral damage in transport from criminals and extraordinary events; aimed at improving the environmental safety of transportation and the environmental sustainability of the transport system; implementation of national security goals in the transport complex as a whole. It has been established that transport safety is: a component of national security; is inextricably linked with other types of security; one independent type of security that has a systemic nature. Awareness of transport security as a component of the state's national security requires identification and elimination of its main components. The oldest means for this can be the use of a system approach. The presence of system-forming factors makes it possible to change the transport system as a social system. In the practical activity of ensuring transport safety, an important role is assigned to the classification of security threats according to the relevant criteria into certain types. Sources of threats to transport security for localization can be divided into two groups: internal threats to transport security; external threats to transport security.


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How to Cite

Чабанов, А. М. (2023). CONCEPT AND CONTENT ANALISYS OF TRANSPORT SAFETY (PUBLIC MANAGEMENT DIMENSION). Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(27), 68-77.