


human development, human capital, components of human capital, territorial community, intellectualisation of management activities


The article deals with human capital as a key factor in the development of territorial communities in Ukraine. The need to study human capital in connection with the processes of decentralisation in Ukraine and the formation of the knowledge economy is being actualised. Human capital is seen as the fundamental basis of the labour potential of a territorial community. Human capital is a factor of production that generates income as a result of the effective use of knowledge, skills, experience, and mobility acquired as a result of investments by the main actors. Attention is drawn to the awareness of the key role of a person and his or her abilities in obtaining economic, social and status effects, shifting employment to the intangible sphere of production, and intellectualising management activities. It is proved that the elements of influence on the socio-economic and cultural development of the community are the joint activities and partnership of local governments, business structures, and the population of the territory on the basis of certain principles of their interaction. The authors identifies certain organisational, managerial and psychological difficulties that hinder the sustainable development of territorial communities. Attention is focused on the need for continuous training and professional development of managers, their special managerial education, and the development of leadership skills through participation in various scientific and communicative events. The analysis allows us to conclude that individual human capital is the basis of the human capital of a business entity and a territorial community. Each community resident is a valuable intellectual resource and a subject of community life and contributes to the sustainable development of the territorial community.


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How to Cite

Дзвінчук, Д. І., & Бурса, О. І. (2024). HUMAN CAPITAL AS A DETERMINING FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES IN UKRAINE. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (1(29), 15-23.