


state, law, martial law, citizens’ rights, restriction of rights, Constitution of Ukraine, national security, legal regime, international legal norms, human rights protection.


Abstract. The article examines the impact of martial law on the realization of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens in Ukraine. Martial law, as an extraordinary legal regime, is introduced to protect national security and the territorial integrity of the state. The introduction of this regime entails the restriction of certain rights and freedoms of citizens, which requires thorough legal analysis to ensure their legitimacy and justification. The article analyzes the legislative acts of Ukraine, including the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws «On the Legal Regime of Martial Law» and «On the Defense of Ukraine», as well as international legal norms such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The article identifies which rights and freedoms of citizens may be temporarily restricted during martial law, including the right to free movement, the right to free choice of employment, and the right to participate in the management of state affairs. It also considers the possibility of interference in the personal life of citizens during martial law, including the control of means of communication, and the inspection of personal belongings and documents. It is emphasized that the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals, as stipulated in Article 64 of the Constitution of Ukraine, cannot be restricted even under martial law. This includes the right to life, the right to respect for dignity, the right to freedom and personal security, and rights related to the equality of citizens before the law and protection from discrimination. It is proven that for the effective protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms during martial law, it is necessary not only to enshrine the relevant norms in legislation but also to ensure the functioning of bodies that monitor compliance with these norms. In particular, the institution of the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights plays a significant role in controlling and guaranteeing the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms. It is generalized that in times of war, to maintain security and the functioning of the state, some rights may be restricted, but these restrictions must be clearly regulated by law and cannot violate fundamental human rights. Ensuring a balance between national security and human rights is a key task for the state during martial law. Thus, the article emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens under extraordinary legal regimes.


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How to Cite

Орленко, В. І. (2024). THE IMPACT OF MARTIAL LAW ON THE REALIZATION OF BASIC RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF CITIZENS: A LEGAL ANALYSIS. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (2(30), 46-51.