service dog, pre-trial investigation, place of registration of will, regime, State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine, expertise, odorology, criminology.Abstract
Abstract. The article considers the importance of the activity of service dogs, which participate in the search for persons who have escaped from the place of detention or committed another criminal offense in the places of detention. The positive activity of service dogs during the search for things and documents, as well as during the inspection of the possible hiding place of the checked persons and other material evidence, was reviewed and evaluated. In addition, the role and significance of forensic odorology during the investigation of escape from custody and the commission of other criminal offenses within the confines of a correctional institution, as well as the views of various scientists related to the use of a service dog in the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses or in the field of activities of the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine. Depending on the direction of training service dogs, as a rule, two categories are distinguished: search and special dogs. Search service dogs are specially trained for the search, detection and detention of criminals. Special service dogs are trained specifically to search for prohibited objects and means, in particular in luggage, in vehicles or on a person’s body, where it is apparently impossible to notice the hiding place, to secure residential and industrial premises of the correctional institution to ensure the normal functioning of the regime institution. These two areas of dog training do not overlap.
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