stress, stress resistance, mental stability, emotional stability, factors of stress resistance, neural networks, embryology, heredity theory, cyber modernity.Abstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to defining the conceptual foundations of integrative development and the formation of stress resistance of the individual; development of a systemic concept of stress resistance of the individual. In the article, the stress resistance of the individual is considered as a system-integrative property of the individual, which ensures the predictability of biopsychological reactions to stress; optimization of socio-cultural and organizational-behavioral strategies for overcoming extremely difficult and emergency situations; determination of value and meaning transformations of post-stress consequences. A systemic model of personality stress resistance has been developed. Based on the analysis of philosophical views, the phenomenon of personality stress resistance is revealed as a complex property of a person, characterized by the interaction of emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational components of mental activity, which in difficult emotional conditions ensure its optimal functional and psychoemotional state. The main characteristics, structural components, functions and factors of stress resistance of the individual have been established. The expediency of using a systemic approach to the study of this phenomenon in order to better understand its essence is argued. The results of research on the chromosomal theory of heredity in the coordinates of evolutionary biology and genetics are considered. It was found that a person with a high level of resistance to destructive factors of influence is able to effectively overcome mental, emotional, volitional and mental loads in unpredictable, non-standard and extreme situations without harmful consequences for his psychophysiological health. Further directions of scientific research in the context of the development of personality stress resistance as a complex property of a person, which ensures its optimal functioning in complex emotional, extreme and combat conditions of activity and enables the development of a harmonious personality with a high level of resilience and capable of selfimprovement, self-control and effective self-regulation, are determined.
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