


civil law, social relations, civil regulation, general method, method of civil regulation, dispositive, imperative, autonomy of will, free discretion, initiative.


Abstract. The article is a theoretical study of the civil law method as a regulator of social relations that constitute the subject of civil law and as a set of specific means of influence on participants in civil legal relations. It is emphasized that thanks to the civil law method as a way of influencing personal non-property and property relations, the functional connection of all elements and interaction and the consistent development of the main stages of the mechanism of civil regulation are ensured. The method of civil regulation plays the role of one of the criteria for the allocation of civil law from the system of law, serves to create the necessary legal conditions for the implementation of civil legal personality to all who are endowed. Research of scientific sources shows that the civil legal method of regulating social relations is a way of influencing social relations, which is permits, characterized by the granting of subjects on the basis of their legal equality by the ability of legal ownership, dispositive and initiative, ensures the establishment of legal relations on the basis of legal and property the independence of the parties. That is, the main, most important, traits of the method of civil regulation are: legal equality of participants in civil legal relations; autonomy of the will of the participants; Property independence of participants of civil legal relations. It is noted that the main feature of the method of civil regulation is the category of dispositive. Dispositiveness should be defined as an internally formed, interested orientation of civil legal entities initiative to acquire and exercise civil rights and obligations at their own discretion. The elements of the content of the civil law category of dispositiveness are the will, interest, initiative, free discretion of the subject of civil rights. In organic unity, these elements form a holistic civil law category of dispositiveness.


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How to Cite

Марусяк, Л. (2024). CIVIL – A LEGAL METHOD OF REGULATING SOCIAL RELATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF ITS MODERN UNDERSTANDING. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(31), 20-26.