declaration, Israel, peacebuilding, UN, educational policy.Abstract
The article notes that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than 8 years and, according to statements by the Russian leadership, Russia has no plans to stop its aggression against Ukraine. Given this, there is a need to transform Ukraine’s educational policy in this regard. It is proved that the educational policy of the state should take into account the reintegration of the occupied territories in the future. The aim of the article is to analyze the right to peace in the documents of the UN General Assembly and Israeli education policy. Vectors for the development of Ukraine’s educational policy with a view to building peace in Ukraine are proposed. The proposed article stipulates that Ukraine will have to live in the conditions of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine for a long time. It was stated that Ukraine needs to make a lot of efforts to counteract the tactics of the northern neighbor. It is proved that first of all, such opposition should be in the educational sphere as well. After all, almost all citizens of Ukraine pass through educational institutions. It was found that the experience of the State of Israel could be useful for Ukraine, which has clearly shown that such conflicts are not resolved by force of arms and physical coercion. The Israeli municipal elite, especially in Judea and Samaria (West Bank), is aware of the need for the Arab and Jewish populations to live, work and study together, and to study together in higher education. It is stated that the issue of conducting a peacekeeping operation on the territory of Ukraine is currently being actively discussed in the foreign policy arena. It was stressed that Ukraine should take control of the educational system of Eastern Ukraine after the UN peacekeeping operation. Otherwise, it will be useless to hope for a quick and effective solution to the problem in the near future.
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