
  • Tetyana SEMIGINA
  • Yuriy BALANYUK



professional qualification; academic qualification; qualifications recognition policy; equivalence of qualifications; regulated professions.


The aim of the paper is to characterize the current state of the general European policy on the mutual recognition of professional qualifications and to present the national peculiarities of its implementation in some EU countries (Germany, Denmark, Austria, Poland). The study is based on a neo-institutional approach, in which both rules and regulations (the de jure approach) and practices (the de facto approach) established by the main political actors of the European integration policy in the field of qualifications have been subjected to retrospective analysis. The conducted analysis shows that the EU member states focus on the status of the profession when recognizing professional qualifications. If a profession is regulated, a professional who wants to practice this particular profession will require a special permit to practice the relevant profession. This authorization is legally subject to regulation in national legislation. The main EU regulations on the mutual recognition of qualifications include: the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications; the Lisbon Convention; the Сouncil Recommendation on promoting automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary education and training qualifications and the outcomes of learning periods abroad. It has been established that the EU has gradually developed a common policy on mutual recognition of academic and professional qualifications obtained in EU member states, which reflects the general liberal character of the policy aimed at ensuring freedom of movement within the Community. European policy on qualifications is inherently horizontal in nature, the EU member states have considerable freedom in this area, which has led to the formation of national models and indicates differentiated integration, but they use common European rules and regulations, as well as use European databases and other tools.


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How to Cite

СЕМИГІНА, Т., БАЛАНЮК, Ю., & СЕМЕНЕЦЬ-ОРЛОВА, І. (2023). EUROPEAN UNION POLICY ON MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 96-105.

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