national security, state border, military aggression, NATO, cooperationAbstract
The vector of Ukraine's development and the beginning of the Euro-Atlantic integration are a significant influence that allows the transition to new standards of the state management system. In modern conditions, the problems of the state border security system are constantly transformed and updated in accordance with new threats to the national security of the state and therefore require constant analysis. The purpose of the work. The purpose of the article is to analyze the system of cooperation with NATO in the context of strengthening the security of the state border in modern conditions. Methodology. In the proposed article, special attention is paid to the analysis of external resources, the mobilization of international support, and the formation of a network of interstate alliances and strategic partnerships to achieve strategic goals and implement national security priorities. Scientific novelty. It has been proven that the formation and implementation of the state national security policy is an urgent problem of effective management of a society that is being transformed. Ensuring the country's national security is impossible without the participation of the world community and the foreign economic relations of states, which determine the basis of national security. Conclusions. It is noted that the system of public administration of Ukraine should not only be maximally adapted to the new globalization conditions of development, but also use a powerful toolkit of influence on them, which is implemented in the context of national interests. It has been established that the basis of the development of an effective state is the formation of a paradigm of common interests of the state and society, which involves the establishment of system-forming principles of protection of natural and public rights and freedoms of man, and the promotion of the development of civil initiatives should be a priority political and strategic task of the state as a condition for its stability and efficiency. guarantee of national security, support for internal and external challenges.
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