public administration, mechanisms of public administration, state, civil culture, civil society, citizen, public good, professional culture of public servantsAbstract
Democracy as a general ideology of people-centered orientation, starting with the protection of human rights, is the cornerstone of Western civilization. Ukraine is a product of a less developed civilization. Therefore, in order to overcome this lag quickly enough, Ukraine has justified its own way "directly" to achieve significant success in this direction. At the same time, in some ways, even set an example for developed countries, as Singapore did in its time. This can happen thanks to: the transition of the entire mechanism of public administration (PU) from a backward management culture of mainly top-down administrative pressure (KAT) with weak feedback to a progressive culture of system management (SMS) based on the final results in the form of the quality of life of citizens; the formation of a valid civil society through the mass participation of citizens in the annual digital evaluation of the achievement of these final results and, on this basis, to significantly influence the resulting activity of government structures at all levels – from local to national; the transition of the entire educational field to the culture of system management (SMS) according to the final results in the form of better human qualities that contribute to the self-realization of the student of education throughout his life, taking into account the public interests, including all humanity. At the same time, the apparatus of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine finally receives the defined final results of its activity in the form of indices of basic and professional competitiveness of graduates, respectively, of schools and institutions of higher education. This means the emergence of an opportunity to establish the responsibility of officials for these results, significantly freeing the field of education from excessive bureaucracy and invincible corruption. It is important: the possibility of implementing the principle of meritocracy both in education and in the system of formation of the management elite based on merit, including through self-discovery of one's own "I" in the process of systematic training; the possibility of defeating the still invincible corruption in Ukraine through the simultaneous use of four factors: the formation of the internal core of the best human qualities in the students of education, the key of which is a high index of universal morality (USM); instilling in students an interest in self-discovery of their own "I" in the learning process with the consequences of self-improvement; establishment of clear responsibility of each specialist, in particular, managers for the final results of activity in the labor field; condemnation of corrupt actions on a legal basis and construction of special prisons for corrupt officials.
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