


information security, Information Security Strategy of Ukraine, national interests of the state, information technologies, information struggle


The article examines the state of information security of Ukraine in the conditions of Russian military aggression. The possibilities of realizing the goals specified in the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine under the conditions of martial law are analysed. It is shown that the national interests of Ukraine require the provision of favourable conditions for the country’s political development. Thus, the interests of the individual consist in the real provision of political rights and freedoms of citizens, society needs to strengthen democracy, and the interests of the state are expressed in the need to effectively protect the constitutional system of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, establish and maintain political stability, including the stability of state power and its institutions. In the information sphere, on the basis of the national interests of Ukraine, strategic and current tasks of the state policy on ensuring information security are formed. It has been proven that effective information activities can significantly improve the state’s efforts to resolve crisis situations peacefully. Conversely, ignoring informational factors, and often deliberately altered information, can provoke the most radical attitudes, outbursts of hostility and lead to catastrophic consequences. It is argued that the use of information technologies by the military has opened up new opportunities for ensuring the defence of the state. Possession of information resources and its protection in the military sphere have become the same indispensable attribute as weapons, ammunition, transport, etc. Ukraine’s victory in the information conflict during the war with russia will contribute to the achievement of its strategic goals. It is substantiated that the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine reflects the interests of the state, which are expressed in the need to effectively protect the constitutional system of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, establish and maintain political stability, including the stability of state power and its institutions. The analysis of the implementation of the Strategy’s goals showed that this process does not stop, despite all the difficulties of the martial law.


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How to Cite

КОТЛЯРОВ, В. (2024). INFORMATION SECURITY OF THE DOMESTIC AND GLOBAL COMMUNITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(73), 40-47.