art therapy, art therapy technologies, art therapy concepts, art therapy methods, art, psychotherapy, innovations in art therapyAbstract
Art therapy is a powerful method of psychological help that uses creative techniques to work with emotional experiences, internal conflicts and post-traumatic states. The article examines three main conceptual approaches: psychodynamic, cognitivebehavioral, and humanistic. The psychodynamic approach is based on working with unconscious experiences through the creative process. Cognitive-behavioral focuses on changing destructive attitudes through structured techniques, while humanistic focuses on personal growth and harmonizing the inner state. Particular attention is paid to the key techniques of art therapy, such as painting, sculpting, music therapy, dance-movement therapy, and fairy-tale therapy. Each of them has its own characteristics and focus on solving certain psychological problems. For example, drawing promotes emotional release, and dance-movement therapy helps to remove psychosomatic clamps. In the Ukrainian context, art therapy adapts to socio-cultural conditions. New directions are being developed, in particular landscape and initiation art therapy, which integrate elements of national traditions and meet the demands of modern society. The method is actively used to work with war veterans, IDPs, victims of violence, as well as in supporting children and people with special needs. Despite the growing popularity of art therapy, the development of the field in Ukraine is held back by limited funding and insufficient empirical research. Further scientific research and the implementation of art therapy programs in the state health care system are promising directions for expanding its accessibility and effectiveness.
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