formula, invention, method, product, expertise, novelty.Abstract
An invention patent (utility model) gives its owner the exclusive right to prohibit other persons from using the invention (utility model) without his permission [1]. On this basis, the patent has become one of the most important means of competition in the markets for production and marketing of products, in particular the pharmaceutical or chemical industry. Some applicants attempt to obtain protection for a known product by using a feature of the method to characterize it, that is, to protect the product through the “product by method” formula. As a result, the research related to inventions and utility models raises the issue of correctly identifying and evaluating the significance of the features. The paper outlines the basic principles that should be followed by an expert in resolving the issues related to the interpretation of the patent formula. The question of the materiality of the features is considered when one or more of the features listed in the formula are missing or altered in the object of verification. The stages of the study include: the first stage of the study begins with an awareness of the problem, the solution of which led to the invention (utility model); in the future it is necessary to establish causal relationships between the signs and the revealed technical result. In other words, only those that provide the expected technical result are selected from the features of the invention (utility model); in the third stage, the assessment of the significance of the feature is made on the basis of the possibility (implementation) of the object of the invention (utility model) in achieving the technical result [5]. A “product by method” invention defines a product by the features of the method used to produce such a product. The formula “product by method” protects the product obtained in this way only, and the product obtained in another way will be unprotected. This publication explores, using the expertise of the forensics, the problematic issues regarding the requirements for the “product by method” formula, shows examples of such formulas, and the peculiarities of the expertise.
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Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office. November 2019. URL: http://documents.epo. org/projects/babylon/eponet.nsf/ 0/8654640290C2DBE7C12584A4004 D2D9A/$File/epo_guidelines_for_ examination_2019_hyperlinked_en.pdf. (дата звернення: 25.11.2019).
Руководство РСТ по проведению международного поиска и международной предварительной експертизы. 11.03.2004. URL: https://www.wipo. int/export/sites/www/pct/ru/texts/pdf/ispe.pdf. (дата звернення: 25.11.2019)
Методика проведення судової експертизи, пов’язаної з винаходами та корисними моделями (універсальна)», зареєстрована в Міністерстві юстиції України 06.02.2009 року, реєстраційний код 13.3.01.