psychological health, structure of psychological health, harmony of psychological health of a personalityAbstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. Loss of mental health significantly affects the quality of life of an individual and negatively affects the effectiveness of its activities. Chronic fatigue, irritability, emotional imbalance, depression, feelings of life devastation, loss of self-control, aggression, weakness, egocentrism - all these are manifestations of mental health disharmony, which are the causes of psychological problems of our compatriots. Therefore, the urgent problem of psychological science is the development of methods for psychodiagnostics of the state of psychological health and timely detection of psychological disharmonies, which can later have psychopathological consequences. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The purpose is to present a theoretical model and psychodiagnostic methods for studying the state of psychological health of the individual. Analysis of recent research and publications. Psychological health is one of the important concepts of psychology. The works of A. Maslow, K. Rogers, V. Frankl, BG Ananiev, BS Bratus, F. Yu. Vasilyuk, IV Dubrovina, OV Khukhlaeva, VE Pakhalyan are devoted to him. , OV Shuvalov and others. The study of psychological health (its essence, types, levels, criteria of the norm) continues to this day, and today is becoming increasingly important due to the fact that the psyche of modern man is experiencing strong negative influences of social, natural, domestic, political nature. In this regard, there is a need for special measures of psychodiagnostics and harmonization of psychological health of modern man. Presenting main material. Mental health is a complex, multi-level education. The spiritual-semantic component (spiritual health) is determined by the quality of a person’s semantic attitudes; socio-personal component (social health) determines the ability to social and psychological adaptation; individual psychological component (mental health) depends on a person’s ability to implement adequate methods of self-regulation, the development of mental functions (thinking, imagination, feelings, will); the psychosomatic component (psychosomatic health) is determined by the features of the neurophysiological organization of mental activity and the physical condition of the person. To assess the level of formation of each of the components, a system of dichotomous criteria was determined and a psychodiagnostic questionnaire was developed, which allows to determine the level of harmony of the psychological health of the individual. Conclusions and prospects for further research. Psychological health is a complex, multilevel education that presents a harmonious physical, mental, social and spiritual state of the individual, based on the balance between internal processes (spiritual, social, emotional, volitional, intellectual, somatic). The structure of psychological health is represented by spiritual-semantic, socio-personal, individual-psychological and psychosomatic components. The presented innovative technique allows to determine the level of harmony of mental health (low, below average, above average, high). Prospects for further research are to develop methods for harmonizing the psychological health of the individual.
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