


personality, psychological health of the individual, conceptual model, psychological determinants, harmonization of psychological health.


Abstract. Actuality of theme. The psyche of a modern person feels powerful negative influences of a social and political nature. Therefore, the problem of studying psychological health is relevant and socially significant today. Analysis of recent research and publications. Psychological health is the foundation of constructive personal development. It is defined as a complex, multi-level formation that presents a harmonious physical-mental-social-spiritual state of the individual, the basis of which is the balance between the substructures of the individual (spiritual, social, emotional, volitional, intellectual, physical), harmony between man and the world. Formulation of the purpose of the research. The goal is to develop and present a conceptual model and program for the harmonization of psychological health of an individual. Research materials and methods. 12 elementary school teachers who attended group classes with a psychologist twice a month for a year participated in the formative experiment. The control group consisted of 10 teachers of the same educational institution. The assessment of the harmony of psychological health was determined using the author’s method N. V. Pavlyk “Psychological health of the individual”. Results. A system of criteria for the harmony of psychological health is defined: energy, activity, high mood, healthy habits (a sense of proportion, self-restraint, moderation in sleep, food); flexibility of thinking, emotional comfort, stress resistance, volitional self-control; socio-psychological adaptability, ability to decenter (overcoming egoism), benevolence; self-reflection, spiritual and optimistic worldview, internality, creative self-realization. A conceptual model of the harmonization of psychological health of selfishness has been developed, which contains a system of psychological determinants of the harmonization of psychological health (actualization of spiritual potential, moral self-awareness, creative self-actualization, overcoming egoism, self-education of moral attitudes towards people, towards oneself, towards the world as a whole, the development of self-control , sanogenic feelings, positive thinking, a healthy lifestyle, moderation in meeting physical needs, optimal physical and mental activity) and the psychological mechanism of spiritual and meaningful self-awareness of the individual. Conclusions and prospects for further research. It has been proven that the harmonization of the entire structure of psychological health takes place by activating the relevant psychological determinants, starting from the hierarchically higher (spiritual-semantic) level to the lower (psychosomatic) level. The Psychological Health Harmonization Program was developed and implemented, aimed at actualizing psychological determinants affecting the psychological mechanism of spiritual and meaningful self-awareness of the individual, which causes the formation of a hierarchical structure of psychological health components due to the development of constructive personal qualities. The actualization of the psychological determinants in the process of the formative experiment made it possible to experimentally confirm the expediency of using the developmental Program for the Harmonization of Psychological Health in practice. Prospects for further scientific research are the implementation of the Program for the Harmonization of Psychological Health of Individuals in the Conditions of War and Post-War Reconstruction in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

ПАВЛИК, Н. (2022). CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF HARMONIZATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(8), 40-51.