


harmonious character of personality, medical and psychological aspects of personal harmonization, spiritual potential, spiritual and moral self-regulation


Formulation of the problem. The article is devoted to the study of medical and psychological aspects of the harmonization of personality. The purpose of the article is to highlight the medical and psychological characteristics of the personality and establish the psychological regularities of its harmonization. Literature Review. The authors theoretically analyzed the concept of «character of personality» in philosophical, spiritual and medical and psychological approaches; the components of the character structure in accordance with the personality substructure (spiritual and moral, moral and communicative, intellectual and creative, volitional, emotional and sensual and psychosomatic), criteria for harmonies are defined; the scientific approach to the harmonization of personal is justified. Presenting main material. The article presents the results of the study of the characteristics of the character of modern youth and defines the medical and psychological aspects of its harmonization. Research methods: quantitative indicators of the manifestation of personality traits were studied using psychodiagnostic methods: «Structure and content of character» (author N. Pavlyk), «Spiritual potential of the individual» (author E. Pomytkina), «Personal differential» (author Ch. Osgood, adaptation of E. Bazhin and A. Etkind), «Personal Orientation» (author: N. Pavlyk); Questionnaire «Motivation of spiritual development» (author N. Pavlyk). Results. The authors experimentally proved that the spiritual development of an individual determines the harmony of his character. Conclusions. The results of the study of the medical and psychological aspects of the harmonization of personality testify to the determining role of the actualization of the spiritual potential.


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How to Cite

Павлик, Н., Парасєй-Гочер, А., & Шопша, М. (2024). MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE HARMONIZATION OF PERSONALITY. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (3(17), 33-40.

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