



education system, higher education, public administration, quality of education, education reform, the process of European integration


The article reveals the problem of state regulation of higher education in Ukraine. First of all, attention is focused on the process of European integration when choosing the features and directions of development of higher education in the country.

The author examines the concept of public administration and the concept of education in the light of the ongoing process of reform in the field of educational services, in particular — higher education in Ukraine. It is noted that public administration is designed to meet the educational needs of society, thereby achieving the strategic goals of its development and the economy as a whole. At the same time, education acts as an object of executive power and is characterized by integration with the entire social system, which in turn requires the implementation of state regulation for its organization.

The article focuses on the fact that public administration should be directed at regulating the organization of the educational process, controlling the quality of education, as well as establishing the procedure for licensing and state accreditation of institutions of higher education. Thus, the author points to the important role of higher education management in Ukraine.

The author also determines and studies the executive authorities in the field of public administration of education, names their functions and basic powers in relation to the provision of educational services in the country. Defining the tasks of state educational authorities, the author conducts a comparative analysis with European countries and the characteristics of their institutional and functional state of public administration of the higher education system.

In conclusion, the author notes the main problem areas in the domestic experience of public administration of the higher education system, calling among them the lack of autonomy of higher education institutions and the low level of activity of public advisory bodies, which are designed to create recommendations for the development of the country's higher education system, thereby making it more effective and quality.

Summing up, the author determines that for the implementation of the organizational and legal mechanism of public administration of higher education it is necessary to consistently perform organizational and legal actions that rely on objective laws and are aimed at reforming the education system.


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How to Cite

Вавренюк, С. (2019). FEATURES OF GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION IN THE SPHERE OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF UKRAINE. Public Management, (2 (17), 26-34. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-17-2-26-34




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