communication, social-civil dialogue, state administration, bodies of state powerAbstract
The article features the behavior of participants in social and civil dialogue. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the main tools for the formation of the social and civilian potential of state development. The central role in shaping this process was played by the state authorities, providing the necessary communication tools of communication, which take place in all directions of public administration. These tools are both formal and informal.
It has been determined that these lower units in the multilayer system of communication support of state administration may not have sufficient powers to make a complex decision in their area of competence. This may reduce their own initiative and, in a broader sense, the habit of comfort, routine and the lack of an innovative communication process. On the contrary, a properly organized social and civil dialogue is developing on the basis of stimulating its self-organization and self-improvement.
It is substantiated that the main functions of establishing a social and civil dialogue for state development are the coordination and coordination of the main tasks of information exchange and the formation of an atmosphere of mutual support and trust. The trustworthy nature of the social and civic provision of public administration is a prerequisite for a communication process through which information for a public decision is passed from one participant to another organization. This very form of social and civil dialogue has the potential to be an integrated means for uniting often conflicting participants in the communication process to ensure that common and acceptable solutions are adopted for both parties. The main problem of the formation of the socio-civilian potential of state development is due to the fact that not all information related to decision-making is in the hands of the subject of decision-making. That is why the necessary part of the democratic form of government is the establishment of meaningful communication tools of state authorities and the public.
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