Lost profit, hypothetical lost profits, abstract lost profit, Non-material injury.Abstract
The aspects of the scenario are based on practical causes In the Czech Republic, but some were even established in the Slovak Republic, but they certainly have a practical application in other countries as well. In comparison with the loss of profit, direct damage and the time of the whole cases, the non-equity satisfaction expressed in money should be author's a qualified estimate of around 0,25 %, from damages for each year that the tortfeasor caused the harm. The article is an introduction to study of the procedure for determining lost profits and hypothetical lost profit, a non-material injury, in the case of the tortfeasor caused the harm for longer period of time. The article deals this matter from the perspective of Czech and partly Slovak law. The practical methods of calculation will be shown in the next article, which will most probably follow right after this one for readers and all interested in this issue in Ukraine. This article is also the result and summary of the author's previous academic work on the subject. In the search of interference points of the injury to the other terms like damage, hypothetical abstract lost profit or a non-material injury, we cannot help to make a certain analogy that brings us to the virtual world. Thomas Kuhn called this paradigm, in the context of analysing and explaining the changes in the various scientific disciplines, changes in the basic cognitive assumptions with which a scientist, researcher, observer or experimenter works. In the general concept, any damage which does not imply a direct loss of property for the injured party may be regarded as non-material damage in the legal point of view. This is typically a harm to the health, honour or the privacy of the person. When expressed in money this damage is quantified and determined. Non-material injury would require far greater analysis in view of the above-mentioned aspects.
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