state innovation policy, animal husbandry, innovation, stimulation, technology, innovation.Abstract
The article deals with the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of the state innovation policy and management mechanisms of its implementation in animal husbandry. The study of the existing state decisions, the main components and objectives of the state innovation policy and the list of measures for its implementation in animal husbandry is an urgent issue of our time. It is revealed that the successful implementation of these tasks will depend on the significant contribution of science and technology and the implementation of strategic and program tasks of intensive development of animal husbandry. The importance of feasible participation of the state in ensuring effective innovation in the development of animal husbandry is proved. The essence and content of the state innovation policy in the context of the paradigm of sustainable innovative development of animal husbandry are revealed using the institutional approach. The main tasks, methods and priority directions of their decision and the institutional factors influencing formation of the state innovation policy are defined. The functions and principles of the state innovation policy and regulation of priority types of innovative activity in animal husbandry are investigated. It is proved that the main focus of the state innovation policy should be directed to the interaction and close partnership of the state, science, education, business structures and livestock enterprises in order to activate and increase the level of innovation activity of economic entities, the introduction of modernized farm machinery and equipment and modern technologies for the production of new types of competitive products. It is proposed to provide the necessary state financial support for innovation in order to increase the volume of competitive livestock products and increase the profitability of animal husbandry.
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