human rights, constitutional reform, second section of the Constitution of Ukraine, civil society, public authority.Abstract
The article considers the evolution of the possible constitutional changes in the area of human rights at both the scientific and nation-wide level. It is proposed a series of constitutional changes in the area of human rights, such as updating of the content of constitutional human rights in the light of the latest international acts in this field, as well as the emergence of new rights due to the development of science and technology; systematization of the rights of certain groups of people, including children and consumers. The article stressed the need to separate the constitutional regulation of the functioning of civil society institutions and legal entities. In particular, it would be reasonable to single out the most important constitutional rights of legal entities and distinguish the peculiarities of the status of legal entities of public and private law. It is proposed to establish additional constitutional requirements for persons exercising public authority (higher education, integrity), which will help to improve both the implementation and protection of human rights and formulate an effective regulatory mechanism for bringing public authorities and their officials to constitutional liability, which will ensure that they exercise their powers properly to satisfy human rights and freedoms. Among the problems of updating the second section of the Constitution of Ukraine are mentioned: a lack of broad public and professional discussion of the shortcomings of the normative content of individual human rights and ways of overcoming them, as well as the conceptual and complex scientific basis of changes in the area of human rights, excessive populism of domestic politicians.
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