public authorities, automation and informatization, innovations in public administration, ISO quality system, modular integration model of public authorities.Abstract
The article discusses the issues of automating the activities of state authorities and improving the efficiency of public administration. It was determined that one of the effective means of improving the quality of public administration is the introduction of electronic governance and its tools (informatization and automation of public administration processes, electronic document management, the provision of administrative services in electronic form, electronic petitions, etc.) in the activities of government bodies. It is proposed to use the introduction of quality systems ISO 9001: 2009 and ISO 9001: 2015 to improve public administration. The advantages of using this approach are shown by the example of the Kherson Regional State Administration, namely: compilation and regulation (the implementation of a sequence of actions in accordance with the approved procedures) of the activity; the possibility of increasing the level of internal electronic document management, a clear distribution of powers, tasks and responsibilities for prescribing processes and managing them; improving the quality of services to citizens, awareness of this and taking into account their needs and expectations; rational and efficient use of resources, especially human ones. Also, as a tool for improving the efficiency of public administration, a modular integration model for automating the activities of public authorities has been developed. This model can adapt to the requirements of a specific body of state or municipal authority, and its advantages include certain improvements in the quality of the preparation of analytical, informational and other materials to ensure the activities of the regional state administration, ensuring the stability of personnel potential in the apparatus; advanced training for the staff of the apparatus, taking into account European approaches to work. In conclusion, it is noted that the use of innovations and modern managerial technologies in public administration contributes primarily to the transparency and openness of the activities of state institutions, increasing the efficiency of their activities, the quality provision of various services to the population, and the formation of electronic relationships between society and the state.
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