economic activity, state policy, self-regulation, subjects of self regulation, self-regulation of the organization, self-regulation organizations.Abstract
The object of the research is self-regulation – a positive phenomenon for a democratic society and the development of economic spheres. States, it introduced it gradually, taking into account the peculiarities, then had significant development in the economy and a convenient market for business entities and consumers. Therefore for introduction self-regulation in the state, it is important to study the features, risks of selfregulation in various states, including in Ukraine which was the subject of research, and develop recommendations, which was the purpose of the study. The article discusses the concept of «self-regulation», it is established how such activities affect the state and its economy. The forms of self-regulation (delegated, voluntary, mixed) have been studied in detail. The article analyzes why it is difficult to distinguish between these forms and how and why they should be separated. Studied, how the forms gradually change in accordance with the stages of development of selfregulation in the state and why and how it sometimes returns to one form or another (for example, when the state regains most of the delegated powers). The article also substantiates the grounds for the introduction of self-regulation in the states. The risks that may arise in the process of creation and existence of self-regulation are studied in detail, the reasons and circumstances of their occurrence are substantiated. It is indicated how to avoid them when creating the appropriate regulatory framework. All these studies helped to achieve the main goal of the work – to create recommendations for optimizing risks in the field of self-regulation of economic activity in the process of forming state policy, which is a scientific novelty in the study of the phenomenon of self-regulation in Ukraine. Self-regulation is now actively developing, but with errors and not in full, which is necessary for society and the economy. Therefore, recommendations for changes in the regulatory framework arising from the study should be immediately introduced into legislation for the correct implementation of the phenomenon of self-regulation. Thus, the conclusion is made that is of practical importance for the sphere of self-regulation in Ukraine. The conclusion has recommendations to prescribe a general law on self-regulation (in it to register a single category-conceptual apparatus for all self-regulation in Ukraine) and separate special laws for self-regulation in certain areas of management. It was established in the conclusion that the requirements for self-regulatory organizations should be spelled out in the legislation in order to exclude abuse of power and the correct introduction of self-regulation. Among these requirements for self-regulatory organizations are: the procedure for acquiring status, transparency, collective decisionmaking, the ability to change leadership in an elective and democratic way, accountability to government bodies, state monitoring, clear powers, and others.
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