



forensic examination, forensic examination of intellectual property, methodology, guidelines, label, trademark, industrial design.


The publication is devoted to topical issues of methodological support of forensic examination and expert research of labels, formation of theoretical and methodological bases of expert research of such intellectual property objects as trademarks and industrial designs used in labels, taking into account practical experience of forensic activity in this field. in Ukraine, as well as the provisions of the new Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Strengthening the Protection and Protection of Rights to Trademarks and Industrial Designs and Combating Patent Abuse» of July 21, 2020. It is argued that the registration of the label as a trademark is currently the most common means of protecting the rights to industrial property. This is due to the fact that in the traditional form of the label is a kind of combined verbal and pictorial notation. In this case, the combined designation is a designation that is a combination of different in nature designations that are its constituent elements (words, images, colors, etc.). The most common combined symbols are verbal and pictorial compositions. But there are also those that consist of pictorial, verbal and three-dimensional elements, and so on. It is concluded that the label is a means of informing consumers about packaged products and their manufacturer, which is placed directly on the product, on sheets, tabs, glued or attached to the packaged unit of goods, it should be examined depending on which ones. goods label is placed, for which range of consumers it is intended. It is emphasized that the logical continuation of work in the direction of comprehensive methodological support of forensic examination of trademarks and industrial designs, taking into account the new legislation, is the development and approval in 2021-2022 «Methods of research of industrial designs» and a new version of «Methods of forensic examination related to inventions and utility models «, the development of which was supported at the autumn meeting of the section of forensic examination of intellectual property of the NKMR at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to be included in the Thematic plan of research NDUSE of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2020.


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How to Cite

Федоренко, В. Л., & Ковальова, Н. М. (2020). FEATURES OF CONDUCTING EXPERT RESEARCH RELATED TO LABELS: METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (5(11), 11-23. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-9660-2020-5(11)-11-23




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