


international journalism, International Federation of Journalists, European Federation of Journalists, National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine, Code of Professional Ethics of Ukrainian Journalists, Declaration of Principles of Conduct for Journalists, International Press Card.


The article is devoted to the study of legal principles spelling out the rules for international activities of journalists in the context of the process of their internationalization. The latter is revealed in the establishment of institutions and international agreements, the formation of general principles of journalistic activities, the functioning of international professional organisations. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop and implement a regulatory and institutional framework for professional cooperation at the international level in the field. The features of international, foreign and global journalism are highlighted, as well as new directions and concepts in journalism that arise under the influence of information and communication technologies. The main professional organisations have been singled out, in particular, at the world level, the International Federation of Journalists, which aims to protect the social and professional rights of journalists and has received consultative status in the organisations of the United Nations system. At the regional level, the European Federation of Journalists is set aside as the one which acts as a representative of the interests of trade unions and journalists’ associations. The main content of the basic document of the International Federation of Journalists is considered: the Declaration of Principles of Conduct for Journalists highlights the most important rules of professional ethics and is a standard of professional conduct. International principles of journalistic ethics include the right of individuals to receive truthful information, the objectivity and social responsibility of journalists, respect for public interests and values, the prevention of war, and the promotion of a new international order in the information sphere. Insights into the activities of professional journalistic organisations in Ukraine are provided, such as the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (an independent, nongovernmental organisation uniting professional creative workers) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (a union of journalists and other media workers that offers free services for its members). The role of the Code of Professional Ethics of Ukrainian Journalists is substantiated. The Code has been approved by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine and has become a guarantee of compliance with international requirements in the field of mass media in our country. Particular attention is paid to the importance of considering conflict situations that arise in the activities of journalists; legal methods to protect their activities are disclosed. The significance of the International Press Card is revealed. This International Professional Card for Journalists is a document recognized by the authorities of many countries as a journalist’s certificate which gives the right to unimpeded access to events of public importance and government agencies.


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How to Cite

Полякова, Ю. В., & Олашин, М. М. (2020). REGULATORY AND LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALIST’S ACTIVITY. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (5(11), 160-168.