European Union law, pandemic, Covid-19, restriction of rights, right to free movement.Abstract
The Covid-19 epidemic exists today in almost every country in the world. Due to the processes of globalization and integration, a large number of people migrate every day, both within a country and abroad. The purpose of movement of citizens can be quite different: tourism, medical treatment, education, employment, marriage registration, etc. However, the spread of the infectious disease Covid-19 has introduced its adjustments to the normal way of life of almost the entire population of the world. This is due to the application of quarantine measures, which include restricting the movement of persons, the operation of food measures, the number of persons who can be in a certain place at the same time, and so on. All these measures are primarily related to the restriction of citizens’ rights, which are guaranteed by the constitutions of most states. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the restriction of the rights of EU citizens to free movement within the European Union during the Covid-19 pandemic and the mechanism of application of the restriction of such a right. First, we define the range of entities that have the right to move freely within the EU: EU citizens, persons entitled to permanent residence in an EU Member State and dependents of EU citizens. Secondly, we define the regulations governing the right to free movement. Third, we analyze the grounds for restricting the EU’s right to free movement on the grounds of protection of public order, public security and public health. Fourth, the actions of the EU authorities regarding the restriction of the right to free movement and the exclusive right of persons who need to cross the border are considered. The conclusion provides an assessment of the actions of the EU authorities in terms of expediency and legality.
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