Cesare Lombroso, criminality, criminal anthropology, person of the offender, criminology, legal science, causes of crime, biological characteristics.Abstract
We analyzed the theory of Cesare Lombroso, the founder of criminal anthropology. C. Lombroso proposed the hypothesis that a criminal can be identified by external physical characteristics, and also argued that many factors contribute to the growth of crime. Such factors include: biological features of a person, which can be both congenital and acquired, the external impact of the environment on the person. Cesare Lombroso is the symbolic figure of Italian positivism, his works placed him at the centre of significant controversies. Lombroso’s legacy has repeatedly been the object of conflict and been used to support various causes, through a period marked by profound and dramatic change. It is important to note that knowledge of the social and biological factors that influence the level of antisocial and violent behavior is expanding. Despite this, we know surprisingly little about the interaction between these two sets of risk factors. We consider it necessary to comprehensively analyze the Lombroso’s theory in order to highlight its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its influence on modern science. The advantages and disadvantages of the theory of the innate offender are pointed out, as well as the influence of Ch. Lombroso on modern criminology. Cesare Lombroso’s atavism theory argues that criminals are primitive savages who are evolutionarily backward compared to normal citizens. According to Lombroso, born criminals possess an array of stigmata or markers that may be considered putative evidence of their criminality. It will also look at the idea of determinism, the idea that people have absolutely no control over there actions so shouldn’t be punished, but rather, treated. Modern medical research indicating the influence of biological factors on antisocial and criminal behavior is analyzed. Current neurobiological research in the field of criminology focuses on the neurobiological characteristics associated with antisocial behavior, the prediction of antisocial behavior later in life based on neurobiological risk factors, and the ways in which neurobiological factors interact with psychological and environmental risk factors.
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