damage to movable property, hostilities, terrorist acts, forensic examination, commodity research.Abstract
With the beginning of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022 on the territory of Ukraine movable property of various types and forms of ownership (individuals and legal entities, as well as state property) was damaged or destroyed. Because currently, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 20, 2022 № 326, there are no methods for determining the damage and losses caused to Ukraine as a result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation in various areas, and forensic activities in the field of commodity expertise is faced with the need to conduct examinations to determine the amount of material damage caused by damage or destruction of movable property due to hostilities in Ukraine, there is a need to develop explanations and recommendations on this issue. This is an important methodological problem of modern forensic science at present. Since large-scale military operations have not taken place in Ukraine since independence, except for the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas, the issue of determining the value of damaged or destroyed movable property as a result of hostilities has not been studied and there are no scientific publications in domestic scientific journals. At present, explanations and recommendations for determining the value of movable property (goods, equipment, etc.) are provided by compiling Reports on research work, the results of which are methods of forensic examination or guidelines. This is usually a long process, but the current circumstances require forensic experts to immediately provide advice to commodity experts on the calculation of material damage caused to movable property as a result of hostilities and terrorist acts. It has been established that material damage to movable property by military acts or terrorist acts is a manifestation of an emergency situation similar to a natural disaster or man-made accident. The necessity to prepare a methodical letter for forensic experts of commodity experts with explanations and an algorithm for determining the value of movable property that was damaged or destroyed during hostilities or terrorist acts is substantiated. An algorithm for determining the value of movable property that was damaged or destroyed during hostilities or terrorist acts during a forensic examination is proposed.
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