local self-government, decentralization reform, legal regulation, competences of local selfgovernment bodies, legal acts, optimization of competencesAbstract
The scientific article establishes that the reform involves the establishment of a new model of territorial organization of power, decentralization of tasks, competences and responsibilities, development of the system of local self-government and formation of full-fledged territorial communities, improvement of national regional policy, etc. At the same time, the successful implementation of decentralization reforms is closely related to the formation of a new generation of local politicians and municipal employees who will work in completely new conditions and require new knowledge, skills and competencies. This is caused, first of all, by the change in the status of communities and the prospective tasks facing local authorities. It is substantiated that together with the transfer of a greater scope of competence to local self-government bodies, the responsibility of these bodies has also increased. Strengthening the status of Ukrainian local selfgovernment will increase the responsibility of citizens to ensure an adequate standard of living. It is noteworthy that communities united by law and a vision plan receive all the powers that cities of regional significance currently possess The co-authors come to the conclusion that decentralization is understood as the process of redistribution of powers and spheres of competence between the central and local levels of public authority organizations and the transfer of emphasis to the local level in terms of the performance of predetermined and stateguaranteed functions. When considering the question of decentralization, it is important to find a balance between centralization and decentralization, which is necessary to ensure the proper distribution of competences of local and central authorities. A higher level of efficiency and accountability of local self-government bodies, better prospects for local development and the introduction of participatory democracy and protection of human rights were highlighted among the reasons leading to greater transfer of competence to local selfgovernment bodies.
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