globalization, international law, national law, types of legal norms, «acquis communautaire», impact of globalization on the development of industry and agriculture, fields of law, national law, criminal law, administrative law, impact of globalization on national law, ways of development of national law.Abstract
Abstract. The scientific article established that today international law and the national law of Ukraine interact quite closely. This is caused by a phenomenon called «globalization». This process is most actively developing in Europe, because the vast majority of European Union countries already have quite similar legal norms, and countries wishing to join the European Union must introduce a number of norms called «acquis communautaire» into their national law. As evidenced by research, globalization processes to some extent establish the same legal norms for all countries. However, in each country there are legal norms that regulate legal relations in the spheres of culture, language, family, local self-government and a number of others, which cannot be unified, because in this case the state loses its identity. At the same time, the legal norms that regulate relations in the sphere of production, trade, movement of capital and goods become general, which facilitates the mentioned processes and simplifies the movement of capital and goods. It is substantiated that a number of legal norms of the European Union have already been implemented in Ukraine today, because the goal of our country is to join the European Union. At the same time, Ukraine currently does not have a clear position regarding the division of legal norms into those that should remain in the system of national regulation, and those that can be unified with the legal norms of the European Union. It was concluded that globalization processes are generally a positive phenomenon, because thanks to the unification of legal norms that regulate the production of industrial products, trade, the use of new forms and methods in industry and agriculture, the number of products will increase, as well as their quality, and prices will decrease. At the same time, Ukraine needs to clearly define its national priorities, define a system of legal norms that will emphasize our identity and culture.
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