


e-government, digital technologies, national security, information society, electronic document management, information and telecommunication technologies, information security, digital state, digital transformation, electronic public services, digital skills, legal policy, administrative-legal provision, public administration, democracy, information technology, innovation, society, electronic resources, personal data, data security, public authority.


Abstract. The article identifies the main advantages of providing electronic public services: prevention and counteraction of corruption through open access to electronic declarations of public managers at all levels, access to public bodies of persons with special needs who have physical limitations in movement and waiting in queues, the possibility of remote training of public managers. The main disadvantages of the provision of electronic public services are the unequal access of citizens to electronic public services not only due to the lack of a computer or smartphone, but also high-speed Internet or the Internet in general, the risks of committing cybercrimes and attacks on state servers, etc. The prospects for the implementation of the world’s progressive experience in the provision of electronic public services were highlighted, which provided grounds for highlighting the following recommendations, which are of primary importance, in particular, in the process of implementing the «Digital State» project in Ukraine: adapt regulatory acts for the implementation of the Laws of Ukraine «On Electronic Trust Services » and «On the main principles of ensuring cyber security of Ukraine»; lay the foundations of regulatory and technological regulation for the field of electronic identification and create conditions for the legalization of new technologies; review and approve the lists and content of electronic trust services; legislatively clearly define the need for an electronic digital signature as a component of an electronic document when implementing the approach of «electronic governance» and electronic democracy; support state-owned electronic trust service providers regardless of market fluctuations and trends; to develop a new plan for the implementation of the Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine agreed with European partners and all interested parties. The international experience in the field of digital transformation and its application in Ukraine is summarized. It was determined that international experience in the field of digital transformation (development of infrastructure for data processing and exchange, expansion of the range of electronic services, provision of cyber security, development of interoperability between systems, partnership with the public and the private sector, training and development of personnel, measurement and evaluation of results to ensure successful digital transformation) is useful for Ukraine. Advanced countries have already shown how digital innovation can improve public administration and the delivery of services to citizens. Adaptation of this experience for the Ukrainian context will require systematic work, but it will open up new opportunities for the development of transparency and efficiency of public administration in Ukraine, including in conditions of extraordinary circumstances, increased security challenges and threats.


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How to Cite

Міляєва, М. В. (2024). ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL ENSURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (2(30), 39-45.