security, national security, international security, national interest, foreign policy, asymmetric threats, hybrid war.Abstract
The proposed article pays special attention to the structural and functional characteristics and elements of national security as a factor in state and social development. It is noted that the meaning of the term “security” is determined depending on the cognitive traditions of each state. The author argues that the elements of the hierarchical world community: individuals, groups, classes, nation-states and their various associations are under the constant influence of internal and external factors. An analysis of a wide range of Ukrainian literature on national security shows that its main focus is on the formation of a model of national security in the context of “democratic transit” and globalization. The main objects of national security protection are defined as a triad consisting of the following components: man-society-state. The purpose of the work. The aim of the article is to consider the political aspects of national security in the context of modern Ukrainian research. Methodology. The article states that the current stage in the formation and implementation of Ukraine’s national security strategy is related to the need to protect its national interests in the face of new threats to its state sovereignty and territorial integrity (hybrid war). In this context, the National Security Strategy of Ukraine (2015) and the Law on National Security of Ukraine (2018) are of paramount importance as long-term planning documents. It was found that they determine the basic principles and current threats to national security, the relevant goals, as well as mechanisms to protect the national interests of Ukraine. The program content of these documents is the basis for planning and implementation of state policy in the field of national security and defense of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. It is proved that the main goal of Ukraine’s state policy is to further strengthen national security as a key factor in sustainable social development. Conclusions. It was emphasized that the modernization of Ukraine’s foreign policy and diplomatic service is aimed at strengthening its position in the international environment and ensuring the development of a system of collective security within the Euro-Atlantic community - the European Union and NATO. It is stated that the foreign policy strategy of Ukraine adapted to national interests should be one of the dominant factors in the formation of a full-fledged civil society, which is able to create an adequate system of state security and defense and ensure its quality level. It is proved that one of the priority tasks of the state power is the complex implementation of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine in the conditions of growing asymmetric threats and conflict factors.
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