


socio-psychological research, human behavior, conflicts, organizational psychology.


Organization management requires clear coordination and pragmatism. However, in most organizations new approaches to management are needed to achieve high results. One of these approaches is a favorable socio-psychological climate, emotion management, the elements of which have been present in one way or another at all times and in any organization. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that in most enterprises and organizations, little attention is paid to the psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of personnel. As a rule, conflict situations arise that can complicate the activities of enterprises. All this also complicates the process of developing the company’s strategic solutions for the development of the personnel management system. The subject of scientific research is the peculiarities of people’s behavior at the stage of socio-economic and political transformation of society. Personality is a complex phenomenon, which is evidenced by the presence of a huge number of definitions of this concept and almost fifty theories of personality. A person in the structure of the organization, in the structure of management is formed as a person, an individual in all its manifestations. In the science of management, there are quite advanced socio-psychological methods that can be used to achieve the desired effect of human behavior in the structure of the organization. Formation and improvement of personal skills is a constant practical task of managers of any rank. As a result of the formation of relations between individuals in the structure of the organization, conflicts always arise. This is a natural phenomenon, as it is inherent in any society. To a large extent, stability depends on the correct organization of the management process. The study of conflicts today has a more practical orientation: means and methods of conflict resolution are studied. The article discusses specific techniques and methods of influencing the process of formation and development of both the team itself and individual employees. One of the aspects of socio-psychological research is the study of the patterns of mental interaction of individuals and ways of influencing one person on another, as well as the influence of an individual on the collective of a specific organization or company.


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How to Cite

ДРУЗЬ, О., РОДЧЕНКО, Л., & ЧЕРНЕНКО, І. (2023). CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO THE MANIFESTATIONS OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (2(58), 5-13.