


socio-psychological climate, socio-psychological training, organizational psychology, interpersonal relations


The structure of the organization, which is a complex system of joint activity, is analyzed. The concept of socio-psychological climate is determined, which refers to all aspects of the business situation that can affect personal incentives. It is emphasized that different behavior patterns are manifested in different environments, which determine the productivity and degree of satisfaction of team members with their work, and therefore all this is directly related to the socio-psychological climate of the organization. It is emphasized that the efficiency of any organization can be determined by a number of indicators. Research by social psychologists shows that a comprehensive assessment of the company's efficiency can be carried out only when taking into account objective (economic) and subjective (social-psychological) factors. At the modern stage, research in intergroup interaction, leadership, psychology of communication, social psychology of management, social psychology of organizations, mass communication, mass phenomena, social-psychological training, social-psychological forecasting has been revived. All this gives reason to hope for further intensification of socio-psychological research in the field of labor economics. It was determined that the socio-psychological climate is a qualitative aspect of interpersonal relations, which manifests itself in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activity and comprehensive development of the individual in the group. Currently, this problem is very relevant and promising, as the requirements for the psychological inclusion of a person in one or another activity are growing. This problem is especially relevant in management activities.


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How to Cite

ДРУЗЬ, О., РОДЧЕНКО, Л., & ЧЕРНЕНКО, І. (2022). RESEARCH ON THE THEORY AND ANALYSIS OF THE CONFLICT IN THE ORGANIZATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3(56), 51-60.

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