resilience, psychological stability, personality traits, mental health, psychological well-being, war, emotional intelligence, emotional resilience, trauma, military conflict, military personnelAbstract
Participation in hostilities causes a number of psychological traumas and disorders in military personnel. Post-traumatic stress disorder is gaining alarming proportions among combatants in Ukraine. Therefore, the issue of effective psychological rehabilitation and assistance to the military is extremely relevant. The article is devoted to the search for optimal ways to overcome the consequences of military trauma. The concept of emotional stability and its components are analysed. It is substantiated that emotional intelligence is an important factor in preventing and overcoming the consequences of combat psychological trauma in the military. The development of emotional intelligence provides the military with a number of important qualities: the ability to make informed decisions, the ability to inspire and lead a team, adapt to the situation and resolve conflicts. Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role for the professional reliability, resilience and combat capability of military personnel in extreme conditions. This should be taken into account when training military personnel. It is stated that emotional intelligence should be studied in more detail and integrated into the military training system at all stages – from recruitment to completion of service, and will improve their psychological stability and professional efficiency. It is noted that the introduction of special training programmes for the purposeful development of emotional intelligence skills in military personnel will allow them to better recognise and regulate their own emotional states, as well as the emotions of others, and will help them to choose the optimal model of behaviour depending on a particular combat situation.
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