resilience, resistance, determinants, personal characteristics, coping strategies, war timeAbstract
In today's environment, the issue of personal resilience is becoming increasingly important. The issue of a person's ability to overcome difficult life situations, adapt to stressful conditions and return to balance is relevant. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the psychological determinants of resilience: personal traits and coping behaviour. The content of the concept of "resilience" by scientists is presented. Four main trajectories of resilience development are allocated. It is stated that it is important to consider resilience as a stable and at the same time dynamic phenomenon associated with mental wellbeing, health and features of coping that may be its consequences. It is noted that training in more effective coping strategies can increase resistance at the biological level. Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands. The impact on the functional activity of the brain by forming adaptive cognitive, emotional and behavioural patterns of stress response will strengthen the weak links of the human stress system. This suggests that resilience should be considered both as a trait that is relatively stable, caused by internal and external factors, and as a dynamic process, as resilience is formed, develops and has its own dynamics throughout life. It has been determined that some personality traits (serving as a foundation) and coping strategies (being mechanisms) contribute to the development of resilience.
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