


depression, depressive states, emotional state, cognitive component, behavioural aspects, mental health


Destruction, violence, loss of loved ones, homes, and forced displacement cause a range of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, and numbness. Such experiences cause people to lose their positive mood and are increasingly exposed to stress and frustration, which leads to depression. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study on the identification of psychological manifestations and dynamics of depressive states of a personality. The article presents a theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to the essence of the concept of "depressive states". The relevance and importance of this study, which focuses on issues aimed at substantiating the psychophysiological criteria for assessing depressive states of a personality, is substantiated. The depressive states of the individual are analysed from the point of view of different areas of psychology. The main psychological manifestations of depressive states, namely, cognitive, emotional, motivational and behavioural aspects, are allocated. It is noted that the development of a depressive state is determined by a psychotraumatic situation. Changes in the structure of depressive symptoms at different stages of its formation are analysed. The key psychological risk factors for the onset and progression of depression are highlighted. Attention is focused on the importance of timely recognition of specific symptoms of depression for timely intervention and effective psychological assistance. Conclusions. The data obtained are important for deepening the understanding of the nature of depressive states, improving methods of their diagnosis and developing effective strategies for psychological correction and prevention. It is substantiated that the development and implementation of various areas of psychological assistance to people of different ages, taking into account the identified disorders in the emotional sphere, is a guarantee of stabilising their psychological health.


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How to Cite

ТЕНГІЗОВИЧ, К. Г., & РОДЧЕНКО, Л. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF MANIFESTATION AND DYNAMICS OF DEPRESSIVE STATES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1(62), 5-9.

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