
  • Nataliia Pavlyk Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun NAPS of Ukraine


psychological health, mental health, personality development, pedagogical activity


Formulation of the problem. The problem of preserving the psychological health of modern teachers is relevant today and socially significant, because the harmonious psychological state of the teacher determines the psychological comfort of school students, which affects to the effectiveness of the educational process. The teaching profession is emotionally stressful due to the large number of objects that must be in the constant focus of the teacher's attention and the presence of unexpected situations that need to be addressed immediately. The teaching profession requires a great mental resource for self-control, self-regulation and self-renewal. Therefore, the loss of psychological health significantly negatively affects to the quality of life of the teacher and effectiveness of teaching.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of mental, psychological and spiritual health of the personality is the subject of study of philosophy, psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry. The criteria for the norm of psychological health in these areas of knowledge differ, because each of them considers a personality from a certain perspective. Therefore, today the concept of «psychological health» does not have a generally accepted unified interpretation. The study of psychological health (its essence, types, levels, criteria of the norm) is still ongoing. The study of psychological health is becoming increasingly important due to the fact that the psyche of modern man is experiencing powerful negative social, natural, political influences, requires special measures to strengthen mental health.

Formulating the purpose of the article. The aim is to reveal within the psychological discourse the essence of the phenomenon of psychological health as a prerequisite of constructive personal development. Tasks: 1) to define the essence of the concept of «psychological health»; 2) to establish its connection with the constructiveness of personal development; 3) to identify the components of psychological health.

The presentation of the main material. The concept of «psychological health» was the first introduced to psychology by I.V. Dubrovina and for a long time the concept of «psychological health» was as the part of the basic meaning of the concept of «mental health». However, modern science distinguishes between the spheres of mental and psychological health, because there are several specific levels of human life: biological, mental, psychological, social, spiritual and so on. At each of these levels the health has a specific features of its manifestation. Аt the biological level health implies a dynamic balance of functions of all internal organs and their adequate response to environmental influences. At the mental level, health is seen as a state of mental well-being that regulates behavior of human through the development of higher mental functions (emotional, volitional, intellectual, social) that allow a person to adequately interact with people, culture, nature, learn, feel and understand the world. Health at the psychological level is related to the personal context within which a personality is as a mental whole. The psychological health is closely related to the higher manifestations of the human spirit.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The psychological health – is a complex, multilevel education, which presents a harmonious physical, mental and spiritual state of the personality. The psychological health is based on the balance between internal processes (spiritual, social, emotional, volitional, intellectual, somatic), between human and the world. The main functions of psychological health are: the constructive development of personality and maintaining a dynamic balance between man and the environment, which requires a mobilization of personal resources, adaptive capabilities and actualization of spiritual potential. The psychological health is the basis of psychological immunity and determines the constructiveness of personality’s development. The structure of psychological health is represented by the components: spiritual-semantic, socio-personal, individual-psychological and psychosomatic. The prospects for the further researchs are in the developing a methods of harmonizing the psychological health of modern teachers.


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How to Cite

Павлик, Н. (2020). THE PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH AS A PREREQUISITE OF CONSTRUCTIVE PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHER. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(5), 83-109. Retrieved from


